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Question ID : 40713

Remuneration under section 44AD and 44ADA

One of my client - partnership firm is a technical consultant. We are keeping the books of accounts and doing audit because his profit is below the rates specified under section section 44ADA. Both profit before and after remuneration are below the rates specified under section 44ADA. Now, he has come up with a proposition that we should file return of income under section 44ADA declaring 50% profit and declare zero remuneration in partners' returns and thereby will have lesser tax if we consider partner's and firm's combined liability. To what extent is this feasible and should one avoid this? Because normally, you take a decision of choosing to go with 44AD or 44ADA only when your profit is higher than that at specified rate and here despite the profit being lower, he wants to go for 44ADA because he says partners return will not contain any remuneration.

posted by Anuj Tiwari on Jul 6 2020 12:00AM

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